Friday, July 20, 2007

Building A Tolerance To Cat Allergies

siamo alla frutta...

Stiamo davvero superando ogni limite di credibilità...gli americani in quanto tali potrebbero aver pensato di tutto... non dico che la notizia qui sotto non possa essere come dire... facciamo gestire una questione nucleare a Cip e Ciop ????

Iran, è caccia agli scoiattoli spia
Gli Stati Uniti li userebbero per raccogliere informazioni top-secret. Gli animali, dotati di sensori, catturati al confine
MILANO - Cip e Ciop travestiti da James Bond. E’ questo il succo di una notizia che ha dell’inverosimile ma vale la pena raccontarla. Fonti iraniane hanno raccontato che la polizia ha intercettato e catturato al confine una dozzina di scoiattoli dotati di piccoli sensors. The animals were used by foreign intelligence to the original odd spy mission against Tehran. CONFIRMATIONS - The case was confirmed by the police chief Esmaeil Ahmadi-Moqadam, which states that the episode would take place in early July: "I know that something has happened, but I do not know the details." The agency IRNA, which was relaunched several sites, but did praise the fabric of the security forces: "They stopped the squirrels before they could act and this was made possible by the readiness of our intelligence." The "news" is the result that pulls air over the Gulf. There is the issue at stake Nuclear, with the ayatollahs who play to gain time and are not willing to give up the bomb. Their cheerleaders see spies and conspiracy everywhere. The Americans and the Israelis are doing the heavy-handed with Tehran, evoking possible military action. On the international press are published reconstructions of possible covert operations against the mullahs. Missions over the skies of Iran's spy satellites are intertwined with those of the unmanned aircraft. Local authorities complain of frequent violations of airspace and the peasants denounced the apparitions of mysterious flying objects. UFOs have come from Mars or the last devilry of the Great Satan?


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