Sunday, January 30, 2011

How To Take Away Period Pain

'Why' writing a book dedicated University graduates, curricula, TRAINEESHIPS ETC. "(II)

In one of my first post (19/10/10) I tried to explain the reasons why I decided to write "I graduated! And now?" Here is one more reason (the exchange of mail is true, the name of the new graduates and fantasy)

1. MAIL LUCIA " Good evening Dr. Bianchi, are Lucia, a new graduate in December: I am writing to thank you! In fact, thanks to reading his valuable book, I acquired the tools giusti per rivoluzionare il mio CV ed inviare una lettera di   accompagnamento ben scritta all'ufficio Risorse Umane della Società XY e ad ottenere il posto come xxxx dopo aver affrontato cinque colloqui! Sono davvero felice. Grazie di cuore."
" Buongiorno Lucia, grazie a Lei. Ho scritto il libro "di pancia" (e di getto) perchè ero letteralmente sgomento nel vedere l'ingenuità e la non conoscenza delle dinamiche del mondo del lavoro di tutti i neolaureati che reclutavo, anche quelli più brillanti e preparati. Non può immaginare quanto io sia contento di aver made a small contribution and be helpful (and anyway if they hired is not only about my book, especially about her). With best regards. "-
" Hello Dr. Smith, are definitely the place I won thanks to my requirements, but I have been able to sell better thanks to his advice! .. it was really fun to read his book: and then, spending € 10, I won a job! .. convenient! .. should become part of a "starter kit survival in the world of work "to be delivered together with the certificate degree! .. a grateful greeting "

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Mouch Does It Cost To Rent A Bougadi 2010

" DELL'INATTITUDINE humility 'of young people and new graduates "POLE

These days, various newspapers published the news of the joint conference of Ministers Sacconi, Meloni Gelmini and dedicated actions decided by the Government to promote the integration of young momdo in labor. All journalists have publicized the event a declaration of Giorgia Meloni, Minister of Youth or
"YOUNG ITALIANS IN HEAD It is characterized by inadequate Humility '"
From what the newspapers say of the ragionamentento Meloni seems to be: "Guys non è che non c'è lavoro, siete voi che non vi sapete organizzare, siate umili e dedicatevi all'agricoltura, fate gli apprendisti per diventare idraulici, insomma un bel lavoro manuale  oppure inventatevi qualcosa  e fate gli imprenditori di voi stessi".



PREMESSA: E' vero che un neolaureato non può "pretendere" di uscire dall'Università e di trovare subito un lavoro congruente con il suo curriculum, a prescindere dalla materia where he graduated (see my post a few days ago, "I refuse (I)).

BUT THE REASONING OF MELONS 'seems absurd: I summarize. "We fill well as University of youth even though we know that will not work. And when they leave the University going to do manual work and do not complain that cast discredit on Italy." Please, understand that it does not disturb the corporation universities and you can always say that everyone can catch a degree, even if you do not need to find a job .. But the minister is really saying that the solution to the problem of unemployment among graduates is ngiovani and take new graduates and sending them to do the plumbers (even without taking anything away from plumbing)?

  • CONTRARY TO THE USE OF IMPROPER Apprenticeships and (those who conceal illegal employment / work for free). If I remember correctly the latest statistics show that about half of the stages 500,000, 250,000 are free. And who first provides a free stage: the state (INPS, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade Institute). Leading by example and pay some expenses? Amend the 1997 law and the obligation to provide a refund at least? Too complicated. Let us entrust ourselves to "more controls" Inspectors from the provincial offices of Labour (as no, you should check to 250,000 cd stages "free" year in 2025 than in 2011 we are still checking ..)
  • CV PUBLICATION OF THE SITES OF GRADUATES UNIVERSITA ': He does AlmaLaurea and already has a database of more than 1.7 million of VC (for what it is served)
But what a lack of humility' STAIAMO JUST TALKING ABOUT IF YOU FOUND offer a paid internship AN AVALANCHE OF CANDIDATES IN THE ABSENCE OF OTHER rush (often with CV plus painful because 'no one has thought to explain how to highlight their quality?)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Selling Organs Pros And Cons, Debates

TORINO" square waves WEB TV "" I refuse "DEDICATED TO THE BET postgraduate ( with my comments)

E 'broadcast on square waves, the Web TV of the Polytechnic of Turin, the new episode of "I refuse", dedicated to "graduate"

this link below you can see the program with parts of my interview. Students spoke, the leaders of the Job Placement of the Poles, and the head of the Directorate of Staff of General Motors (in Turin has a center of research and development)

Enjoy and happy listening !

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ontario Vanity Plates Check

I refuse to do work that ....( PART TWO)

Quasi in contemporanea con i report periodici di Istat e Banca d'Italia che hanno confermato che in Italia la disoccupazione giovanile è in aumento sono stati recentemente pubblicati i risultati di una ricerca svolta a livello Europeo da Eurobarometro, il servizio della Commissione europea, istituito nel 1973, che misura ed analizza le tendenze dell'opinione pubblica in tutti gli Stati membri e nei paesi candidati ( intervistate 7.000 imprese in 31 nazioni Europee). Vediamo i criteri su cui le aziende Europee basano la scelta dei candidati:
  • La qualita' dell'universita' : It is not important is quite important / is pretty irrelevant: 58%. It 's very important: 13%.
  • " The previous work experience is a crucial requirement for new recruits : Strongly agree: 53% tend to agree: 34% (including both the 87% of respondents)

  • " It 's very important that new employees have done an internship abroad ." Here the results are quite varied: YES 20% NO 9% Somewhat 39 % 31% Not particularly

  • "It 's very important that new employees have studied abroad" YES 6% NO 19% Somewhat 42% 33% Absolutely NO

Personally I fully agree with these results, at least those who do not attach any importance to the experiences abroad (probably the majority of companies surveyed were operating only on domestic markets) .

E 'but' IMPORTANT THAT undergraduates understand that companies that employ:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Denise Milani, Nipple

I refuse to do a job that ....

'm just back from an interview with "OndeQuadre" the WebTV of the Politecnico di Torino. It should be airing Jan. 24 (then still public link so if people who want to enjoy it ..) in an episode of the Format "I refuse", dedicated to graduate and that begins with a series of "I refuse" of students from Poli interviewed by square waves.

I was very impressed with the declaration of a student "I refuse to do work NOT RELATED to what I study at universities'"

I agree that it is legitimate to want to do a job that we like and that is the natural continuation of what we studied in University (Time, budget, fatigue)

I am puzzled whether the statement is to be understood literally. Reasons:
  1. the dire situation of young people in the world of work. What if you are lucky enough to find a job but is not in line with the waste your studies? And then? There is someone who keeps you working while you're waiting for you?.
  2. the university as a center of the world. It's not that those who take them out do to meet your needs and make you do the job that you like. And they'll take THEIR you pay because you perform tasks that used to THEM. BUT HE NEVER SAID THAT REGARDLESS OF ANY CHOSEN THE BACHELOR IS ALWAYS A WORK IN THE FIELD?. Perhaps it is the case of engineering, but if I have a degree in Byzantine literature and I assume in Fiat or think that Telecom will continue to take care of Byzantine literature?. Another question non-trivial (BUT WE ARE SURE THAT IN UNIVERSITIES 'teach us all that is' inherent in working at least formally THAT SHOULD REPRESENT THE PROSECUTION OF OUR UNIVERSITY?)
seems to me that sometimes new graduates focus on the past, what they did, exams, grades, degree grade. Those who take on the future focus of recent graduates who are applying and are wondering what to do really know (and this probably has more than an internship or training experience that the fact that they have taken that exam or 30 in this awesome )

CONCLUSION: just doing a job we like and that is functional to the years spent in university, but usually if and when it happens is never the first job. After you've done a few years experience, you gain expertise, you have something to spend with those who are selecting staff then yes you can look around and look for a job that you really like, what you've always wanted to do (or maybe not, because in the meantime you changed your mind, and "being on the field have discovered that Actually do you like more .......)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Croscill Old Patterns

CV and cover letter

The graduates looking for a job are anxious to prepare a CV (preferably capable of communicating with those out there looking for someone to offer an internship / a fixed-term employment / work indefinitely and to differentiate our application compared to other CV pat.
not forget, however, the covering letter (another element to differentiate).
As we write (and an accompanying letter to the CV of a new graduate is not easy, I tried to propose some and it was not easy ..).
  • LENGTH: Short - up to 10 to 15 rows.
  • WHY 'IN THEIR OWN? How did you get the idea of \u200b\u200bsending your resume to the right person / the company?
  • CAPACITY 'ACQUIRED: not merely assert a principle Able to work under stress and subject to the timing dates "but giustificalo with an example" as I had to do during the internship at ACME when we were asked to install a new software functional within three days "/" Capable Teamwork "" Because of my involvement, as first clarinet, the band XY
  • MOTIVATION: " prefer to work in a small company like yours where it is easier to relate to more experienced colleagues " prefer to work in a big company like yours where you can relate with colleagues with diverse skills and complementary to those that I acquired during my university career "
  • RELATIONS WITH CV: Do not repeat what you wrote on your CV. something that they could not say" As you can see from my CV I have a Master / I did an internship / I dedicated my thesis to study issues relating to XX, which allowed me to acquire more specific skills than I had learned in university in relation to ... / Acquire a first experience in managing ..../ to get in touch with companies and industry executives who had dedicated my thesis.
  • wording. Try not to use clichés.

Friday, January 21, 2011

How To Remove Stud Earrings

Upon the recommendation of Alexander, graduate in Economics with thesis on renewable energy, I tried to look here and there opportunities that were around and I found the site www.bollettinodellavoro a post " international job with renewables " with a series of links which are specified associations and societies in Europe carry out their activities in this area.
For Alexander, who has bothered to ask the question I gave it five days ahead. If others are interested .......................

Nitro Tech Vs Extreme 60


I just came there and if I understand the statement was released just two days ago. I point out, although personally I prefer the wine to Coca-Cola.

The Coca-Cola Hellenic Italy (attention not just Coca-Cola USA as one of the largest bottlers suopi) offers internships:
TITLE: "Salt Experience"
DURATION: Three months
EXPENSES: YES provide a refund (but the announcement is not clear how much)
SEATS. Milan, Genoa, Turin, Bologna, Rome and Naples.
STRUCTURE OF THE TRAINING: on the job training, classroom training, development and presentation of a final project to a committee formed by the property manager of the Sales and HR. Coca-Cola
WHO CAN 'TAKE: Undergraduate / Graduate (I have not found an indication of a specific degree course then there should be room for everyone), fluent English devono piacerti vendite / marketing ("il commerciale") e devi saper comunicare.

CONCLUSIONE: Tre mesi sono troppo pochi. Voi capite poco o niente.loro si fanno un'idea di voi e dopo i migliori possono entrare . a far parte della Sales Academy di Coca Cola HBC Italia ("con un contratto formativo", anche se non ho capito a quale contratto la C-C si riferisca - comunque sempre meglio di uno stage)

Il sito della Coca Cola Italia:

PUBBLICITA' PROGRESSO. COme valutare se uno stage è buono? Comprando "Mi sono laureato! And now? "By Marco Bianchi

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Romantic Hebrew From Male To Female


For those not yet discovered segnalo another site to be monitored periodically by those who are interested in finding an internship / job opportunity with the European Commission.

It 's the site of the Milan office of the European Commission. We arrived via Facebook (type European Commission Representation in Milan) or Google the address below:

http://ec / Italian

Milan offices publish a newsletter (The 12 Stars) with the various opportunities from time to time by the various agencies. Turning around to the site I found this interesting announcement (an initiative of the Office of Personnel ...):

" January 20 webcast will be online for information about career opportunities in the European institutions. This address which will be available on the webcast. It is a pilot project intended by the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) to provide information to young people interested in careers in institutions Europe ".

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Psychiatrist Vancouver Bc

What were the most read post in December? The list was dominated for most of the month "Graduated with degree mark down. What do I do? ", Which was then superseded by" 2011 Internship at the European Commission ", which in just four days has become by far the most read post. Here's the situation at 31 December 2010.
1. 2011 Internships at the European Commission
2. Graduated with degree mark down. What do I do?

to chase, although distance of several, the third post:

3. European Europass Curriculum (I)
4. Section Hobbies and professional interests, the inclusion or not in the CV?
5. But they are all recommended. That is why they call me!
6. Question: law graduates go abroad
7. An MBA in 80 minutes
8. But the praise is for 110 and find a first job? But what good is your CV?
9. What is a RAL? And why should appeal to a graduate?
10. Question: But when a rating of low degree can be said?

In a month the next table.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cruise Places On Miami Beach


Latest notizie sull'andamento degli stage in Italia nel corso del 2009. I dati, e le analisi, sono quelle fornite da Unioncamere alla fine di Novembre. In realtà non è che Unioncamere ci dica delle cose diverse da quelle che già sapevamo e cioè che gli . Facciamo parlare i numeri (2009):
Imprese disponibili ad ospitare stage : 223.700 (14,8% delle imprese monitorate da Unioncamere)
% Imprese disponibili su anni precedenti : 11,9% (2007) 12,8% (2008) 14,8% (2009)
Stagisti assunti : In aumento nel 2009.  Buone Notizie? Mica tanto è soltanto 11, 6% (one in ten ....)
Another element to consider: to offer internships are not only large enterprises but also medium and small. According to Unioncamere That shows that small and medium-sized enterprises would thus be more willing to play a "job training" to the young graduates. The reality seems quite different: a year of crisis in the small and medium enterprises companies have reduced hiring and to "plug holes" are often used to stage free ---------

until we change the legislation on apprenticeships, with the imposition of a repayment minimum expenditure required, the only defense against altruists who want to train new graduates "free", the only option is to refuse placements free of expenses (the ones in the book define placements "bad")

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sorority Initiation White Dresses


1. STILL ON THE EXTRA-PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS IN THE CV (See pagg.69-71 of my book for reference)

are usually the last section of the CV. They provide a breeder who, besides your academic background, is also interested in understanding what kind / that girl you are. It's obvious is not it? We need you to try to differentiate and then not indicative of general interest (travel, reading, listening to music) but tries to show that you have your own personality (travel WHERE, WHAT read, listen to what music?).
Two lines - Two and a half lines at most. Interesting interests outside work you do with others (sports, alpine choirs, non-political student associations and the like)

2A. NOT I graduated with 110. No problem, we are already with me in two and I've never had occasion to regret for not having caught the 110th (with or without distinction).
2B. 100/110 99/110 AND RATINGS ARE LOW DEGREE? NO.

3. CV CON FOTO? Io non la metterei ma è una opinione personale. Se vuoi mettila pure ma usa foto tessera (niente foto con sfondo di qualsivoglia genere)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Playing With Penis Vids

STAGE ABROAD (IV) postscript

Dimenticavo. Se trovate interesanti i post sul post laurea e le segnalazioni sugli stage, battete pure un colpo e cliccate "mi piace". E' un utile stimolo a proseguire...