Sunday, February 20, 2011

How Much Are Mopeds Seats


Al via il programma YounGranarolo: contratti di formazione lavoro e prospettive di carriera. I bandi sul sito dell’azienda. “Investiamo pensando al futuro”

"Keep quiet" perchè Granarolo cerca soltanto 20 neolaureati. lo segnalo solo perchè sono assunzioni e non tirocini. Offrono un contratto a tempo determinato della durata 18 months and are looking for graduates administration and finance, insurance and quality, research and development, marketing and trade marketing, sales, controlling, manufacturing, engineering and logistics (so there is room for many new graduates faculty) .

Selections are made gradually over the year (when there are different application time limit to March). If you are interested you should periodically monitor the site dedicated to the program Granarolo

REQUIREMENTS: will be sought for each profile lists the qualifications required and will constitute a preferential requirement to have obtained a degree and specialized in curriculum and honors (105/110 votes greater than or greater than 95/100). The recruitment pool includes all the national territory, with particular focus on Milan and Bologna, and there is a package of facilities for transport and accommodation depending on the residence .


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