Friday, February 4, 2011

Where Can I Buy Haute Hollywood Hair

Warm up

More than a month without a blog are a bit 'as six months to stop an injury to those who practice race. I know both situations and how difficult it again. In the case of each meter weighs a run miles and the ride usually seems an Olympic marathon. But then km are the legs back to reply, the breathing returns to normal frequencies (but hard!)
In the case of the blog you seem to have nothing to say or at least no argument so hard to fill a silence so long . If you go to open my mouth it is expected that you have something sensational to say the usual post seems inappropriate ... but gotta start somewhere, perhaps from a quiet place, heating, just to get going.

Mortal Coil - Stubborn I ( R. Carlos - C. Malgioglio)

We start then from here, from This Mortal Coil, and I also say why.
The song is Roberto Carlos therefore we are subject.
The video program " apologies " (which also turn to friends of the blog readers), and then Mondaini Vianello, the ingredient of nostalgia in black and white that I can not take away. I
Mortal Coil is connected to the events of Berlusconi, and then he answers the requirement of current political gossippara. I also won as many as 3 Sanremo festival and so we are fully on the piece. Cristiano
Malgioglio that it has made the Italian version, I represent that element of color that never hurts.
be able to say that I find the version of Giuliano Palma unbearably annoying me to insert the element of controversy is the spice of any good blog.
Although it is February 5, temperatures are rising and the snow hard to resist, you realize that it is the first year and accept my best wishes for 2011.

In the original Brazilian tail
a distancia ( Roberto Carlos - Erasmo Carlos)


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